
Quick notes: Integrating your software with TripleO Heat Templates

There is a lot of information available about TripleO Heat Templates (THT). Some cool blogs are listed in the references section. But sometimes you are looking for a smaller volume of information, in order to get started quickly . Here is a collection of notes, which may be useful if you want to integrate your product with THT. These are collected based on the work done for integration of the Veritas HyperScale for OpenStack with the THT. The examples mentioned below point to some of this work. These notes are only about the development work and it’s testing. It’s assumed that you have done some background work and are well versed with THT terminology and the deployment commands. Deployment method You can deploy OpenStack using either quickstart or director. I preferred director based setup since it provides a way of specifying environment files. I felt it was easier than modifying the quickstart scripts. THT workflow tripleo-heat-templates à puppet-tri
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